Friday, May 28, 2010

Robert Frost's Poetry

I am starting with one of my favorites and one of his most well known, "The Road Not Taken". It's actually earlier in the book on page 48. I remember studying this poem in college and reading somewhere that his inspiration came from being dragged off on evenings walks with a friend. This poem more than many others has actually spoken to me throughout my life as I have wondered at the roads that I did take as opposed to the roads that I did not take. I can see clearly choices that I made that would have led to a different life and as Frost said, "And that has made all the difference."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Emily Dickinson cont.

I did read many more of Emily Dickinson's poems afterall they were short. Many still dealt with death and pain.. but at least they were more understandable. For instance #650 "Pain..." is as it should be. Pain never seems to have a beginning and it takes on a life of its own where you can think of nothing but the pain that you are in. Also, #1078 "The bustle in a house" the morning after a death has occurred is simple and to the point. Everyone that has ever put a loved one to rest goes through this.